01-06-2020 by Freddie del Curatolo
In the great global confusion that reigns over the post-Covid 19 or in any case the cohabitation with the tail of the virus, hoping that the worst is over, the tourism sector is certainly one of the sections of the market where uncertainty prevails over everything else and every serious program and perspective is still on stand-by.
This affects the choice of holidays everywhere, especially at this time of year, except perhaps for those who have a second home in holiday resorts and are used to spend part of the summer there.
At the end of May, talking about the seasons passed, historically the games were done.
Only a few undecided or last minute adventurers had not yet decided on the destination of relaxation and fun.
This year you can not tell if and where you can afford to pull the plug.
So many unknowns: will it be easy and convenient to fly? Will there be countries where quarantine will be mandatory? How will Italians be seen and treated?
What is the situation in the countries of the chosen destinations, between directives, containment and health security? Will they be able to be trusted?
From this point of view Kenya is not an exception and for us Italians it becomes one of those destinations difficult to imagine as a holiday destination in the immediate future, because of the absolute lack of certainties and information on air flights, on the regulations that (as for everyone) are in progress and what will really be the situation here in July and August.
In addition, in our country there is a campaign, in many ways understandable and fair, of autarchy of the holidays: "stay in Italy" is more than a patriotic slogan, it is a way to restart the whole economic system, counting on the fact that tourism is perhaps even more than in Kenya a fundamental flywheel for the gross domestic product.
There are many Tour Operators who have interests in Kenya but in turn have purchased advertising space to invite their customers to prefer their country, also driven by the possibility of obtaining contributions from the Government for their companies that, already shaky or not, have suffered an unexpected blow from the pandemic.
And yet, despite the appeals and doubts of most people, Kenya is always in the thoughts and desires of many countrymen.
This is demonstrated by the requests for information in agencies, on social and specialized sites, and the many emails that we at malindikenya.net and facebook pages linked to the site (more than 40 thousand subscribers) receive daily in this period, even from new users.
There are those who had previously booked a holiday, a safari or even just the classic week of sea and sun and are waiting for the last possible second before canceling.
Couples on honeymoon, savannah lovers who for the first time had decided to live the dream of the Great Migration, people who after so much had come to the great leap: book for the month of August to understand if Kenya was the right place to move and start a new life. In short, almost all types of tourists and travelers that we have seen in over thirty years and that have created the myth of Africa "Italian style".
There are also those who, instead of out of the blue, perhaps to react to the period of seclusion and the moral barbarism of society, which has come out of the open with the growing worldwide and "social" frustration, are thinking of Kenya as a possible temporary escape route, an oasis of freedom and breathing space before diving back into a hot autumn in Italy.
Those who have experienced Kenya before and have it in their hearts, do not need so many recommendations, they are just waiting for flights to reopen, to know if they will have to pay more than the other years to travel and as always choose to live, because we are made of time and time does not wait. Kenya, fortunately, does.
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