22-07-2019 by redazione
The Kenyan Treasury Minister Henri Rotich and his deputy Kamau Thugge would be the two main recipients of the 28 arrest orders issued this morning by the National Prosecutor Noordin Hadjj, at the conclusion of the investigation into the scandal of the dams of Arror and Kimwarer in the north of the country, contracted out to two Italian companies.
This was announced in the morning by the main newspapers and news of Kenya, following a press conference called by the same Public Prosecutor's Office.
The scandal, which is expected to be one of the most striking cases of corruption in the last year, also involves in some way the companies CMC Ravenna and JV Itinera of the Gavio Group.
Among the arrest warrants to be executed by the Ethics Commission for the Fight against Corruption (EACC), in fact, there are also the names of the Director of the CMC, among other things in receivership in Italy, Paolo Porcelli and two managers of the Itinera Group, whose names have not been disclosed by the media.
The accusation is that the contract was deliberately inflated to a figure that is close to 17 billion Kenyan shillings (about 150 million euros).
Suspects will also be charged with criminal association for fraud, intentional violation of applicable procedures, abuse of office, crime of financial misconduct and fraudulent purchase of public property.
The investigation came to an end after Hadji and his collaborators had been in Rome in recent weeks to investigate the issue from the Italian shore and obtain collaboration from our Guardia di Finanza.
Among the other government officials arrested, there would also be several executives of the Kerio Valley Development Authority and the Inspector General of the State as well as other members of the Ministry of Treasury and commissions responsible for procurement.
During the press conference, Prosecutor Hadj explained why such a decision was made.
According to Hadji's accusations, the contract given to the CMC of Ravenna was rigged with the aggravating circumstance that the actors of the scandal knew that the company was in great financial difficulties in his country. For his part, according to Hadji, the Italian contractor presented the project of the dams four years after the necessary time.
The Prosecutor also added that he is aware that his verdict may provoke important reactions and "social unrest" but he reassured public opinion by saying that mechanisms have been put in place to monitor each attempt to destabilize and counteract it."
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