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Briatore back in Malindi with is VIP friends

Kenya trendy again, other celebs coming

26-12-2016 by redazione

Flavio Briatore is back in Malindi, in the oasis of his Billionaire and with him there is not only the family, but have returned friends, the children of friends and some other character to the discovery of a Kenya returned to be considered safe and charming .
On Christmas Day the Piedmontese entrepreneur was on the Marine Park beach to play football with his son Nathan Falco. Although many swear it was him, because of a radical look change (ritoccatine, unkempt beard) his private jet arrived last week in Malindi airport and landed with him also his wife Elisabetta Gregoraci and son the couple, friends Lucio Presta and Paola Perego and also the son of Presta, Nicholas, with his girlfriend Lorella Boccia, a former showgirl Channel 5. the two are made to take a photo of them embraced on the seashore in front of the Billionaire . Together with them, in the residence-spa "Lion in the sun" also seems to be the Roman actress Nancy Brilli, which many take to Malindi with certainty.
From a week's holiday with her daughter also the former Big Brother Gwendolyn Canessa, who have long had not been seen in Kenya.
In the coming days is expected the arrival of the wife of Beppe Grillo Parvin Tadjk, and songwriter Gino Paoli. Will not return instead Antonello Venditti, he was enchanted by the Kenyan coast but intolerant of heat.
The wait is all for Biagio Antonacci, but at the moment his arrival is more no than yes. But there will be other surprises, Malindi and Watamu which are coming back on everyone's lips as a haven of relaxation and tranquility, but also fun for famous people "without broken boxes".

TAGS: Briatore MalindiBillionaire MalindiNancy Brilli MalindiPresta Malindi

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