10-03-2017 by redazione
It becomes more and more serious emergency drought across Kenya and particularly in the hinterland of the coastal regions.
By enormous problems for the farming and agriculture, and for the animals of the savannah, it has gone to those that afflict people directly.
I am already many compatriots who have joined the "fund-raising" in support of the population affected by the drought, in cooperation with the Embassy of the order of Malta.
"We expect to reach 300 or 400 families in the most disadvantaged inland coastal areas - explains Rita Valentini, one of the coordinators for Malindi area who have joined the initiative - our goal is to bring water, but also food, and products that do ground is no longer able to provide. "
The situation is dramatic, because according to the local meteorological service are not envisaged in the short rains.
Even a small donation can help, here are the bank details.
Embassy of the Order of Malta
CBA (Commercial Bank of Africa)
Village Market branch - NAIROBI
Euro account N ° 7029330037
Dollars account N ° 7029330016
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