31-10-2019 by Freddie del Curatolo
In these days, the operational authority of the Kenyan Ministry of the Environment, the NEMA, should decide on the feasibility of the now famous Palm Exotjca, the 61-storey skyscraper that an Italian-Swiss-American company based in Dubai should begin to build in Watamu.
There has been much discussion in recent months about this project and the favorable party, especially composed of Kenyan citizens, politicians of the coast and almost all tourism entrepreneurs, is opposed to the formation of the "no", composed of environmental associations, tourists "repeaters", foreign residents and almost the entire British community present in Watamu.
The environmental impact study, published by Nema on its website and on the dynamics of construction, has been written everything, maybe even too much. As always in these cases, experts in foundations or hydraulics, luminaries of wastewater and light pollution come out of nowhere. How it will go and if it will be possible to "pull it up" we can eventually just see it.
But the local press articles that follow one another have also written many inaccuracies, one of which calls into question the Turin entrepreneur Franco Rosso, dean of tourism on the Kenyan coast and owner of three resorts in Malindi, Tropical, Dream of Africa and Malindi Dream Garden.
Rosso has never hidden that he loves the Kenyan coast and believes in the tourist potential, even the unexpressed one. The recent construction of a new conference room, looking like a Swahili palace, architecturally beautiful and modern inside, able to accommodate more than 400 people and equipped with wi-fi, giant screens and other accessories that will ensure Malindi an induced by the so-called business tourism.
Franco Rosso, perhaps also for his continuous ideas, projects and business dreams that still excite him at the venerable age of 91 years, continues to be improperly pointed out by the local media as one of the capital partners of Palm Exotjca.
Malindikenya.net has tried to inform the columnists and stop this "fake news", going back to the original author of the oversight, but there are still those with the sadly fashionable copy-paste continues to fall for it. And Rosso doesn't fit.
"I would like to say once and for all that I have never had anything to do with the Watamu skyscraper - explains the entrepreneur at the Italian portal in Kenya - I don't know how to make it clear to those who still continue to write my name associating it with that project".
One of the reasons could perhaps lie in the possibility that another structure he owns, abandoned for many years, the former Coconut Village, could be transformed in the future into a hotel with several floors.
"There are always many ideas - explains Rosso - I don't want to go into the merit of the Watamu skyscraper, I just repeat that I have never been among the partners and that I will never have anything to do with the Palm Exotjca".
Once again, for the sake of correct information and respect for those who have invested a lot and seriously over the years in Kenya, we will send the English version of this article to the local press and spread it in social media.
by Freddie del Curatolo
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