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In Kenya, where the King Lion was filmed

A safari in Laikipia, the beautiful Disney location

02-08-2019 by redazione

The return to the big screens of the King of the Savannah, this time in flesh and blood and not in cartoon form, is a fantastic commercial for Sub-Saharan Africa and in particular for Kenya and Tanzania. This has already been said.
Few, however, have gone into the details of the places that have been used by the Disney production to shoot the scenes of the new "Lion King". In addition to Seronera in Tanzania, in Serengeti not far from the border with Kenya, the location most used as a backdrop for the adventures of digital animation of Simba and his companions, is the plateau of Laikipia, in the heart of the Kenyan Rift Valley.
Well, from the statistics of we deduce that a third of international travelers, lately is inspired in the search for vacation spots from the locations where films and TV series are shot. 
It will certainly happen after this August, when the Disney colossal will invade the cinemas of the planet.
Laikipia County is one of Kenya's most imaginative and emotional places, and one of the oldest territories in the world. 
It is an unexplored ecosystem of wild land covering over two million acres and home to indigenous tribes Samburu and Borana, as well as many kikuyu. 
The unique and diverse habitats create breathtaking scenic landscapes, from arid plains to icy mountains and wide hills, making it an excellent choice for the most demanding safari enthusiasts looking for something authentic, away from the tourist trails.
Laikipia is home to a community of endangered species, including the black rhino, Grevy zebra, panther leopard, wild dog and more than two thousand elephants. There are also many other species of wildlife, such as the gerenuk, Jackson's hartebeest and the reticulated giraffe. 
Half a day's journey from Nairobi, along roads that take the traveller into the authentic climate of the mountain savannah, will appear many of the scenarios that large and small that will see the new King Lion can easily recognize.
But not only that, in Laikipia there are many reserves where you can understand how important it is to protect wild animals and endangered species.
This is thanks to the pioneering efforts of the Laikipia community and the Laikipia Wildlife Forum (LWF), established to promote the conservation of the area's private reserves. 

TAGS: safari kenyare leone kenyaviaggi kenyalaikipia kenya

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