09-04-2020 by redazione
Malindi is increasingly united for the prevention of the Covid-19 world pandemic, which has also arrived in Kenya for a month now but has not yet detected official cases in Malindi, although 7 people are already infected in Kilifi County.
For two weeks now, responsible citizens, associations and many businessmen in the tourism sector have been working to protect Malindi and Watamu and their people.
In addition to awareness-raising campaigns and the production and distribution of masks, thanks to many donations under the auspices of the Progress Welfare Malindi Association, the town's nightly pest control exercise is also going well.
Led by the Health Department, with the coordinator Dr. Sultan and the managers now working 20 hours a day, the team working during curfew, with the assistance of the police, is growing day by day. Yesterday the Board Chairman of Municipality Aliasgar Kassamjee donated a pest control machine and related chemicals to the regional water company Mawasco.
In the presence of PWAM Chairperson Kate Mwikali, Kilifi County Chamber of Commerce Director Majid Swaleh, Mawasco's top manager Gerald Mwambire and other volunteers, the work of spreading sanitation products increased last night.
Products that work for around 48 hours and are then reused every two evenings at great expense. For this reason, in addition to the masks, the proceeds from the generous donations from the citizens and the activities of Malindi and Watamu are also used to purchase these disinfectant solutions. In the meantime, other fantastic fellow citizens have made their means available, both to help in the work and to support the police in the patrols necessary for everyone to respect the curfew.
by Leni Frau
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