29-01-2018 by redazione
The National Environment Management Authority, the executive arm of the Kenyan Ministry of Environment, has submitted its proposal to ban the production and distribution of plastic bottles in the country, starting 30 April.
The decision comes after the Authority issued a three-month ultimatum to plastic bottle companies.
"If the companies do not produce a convincing plan on plastic recycling by 30 April, the law will be gazetted," said NEMA director John Koncellah.
The Ministry of the Environment has long warned the country's plastic manufacturers that they should start thinking in concrete terms about bottle disposal, but according to NEMA this has not happened, as there has been no request for dialogue and no consultation between the government and companies.
After the total ban on plastic bags, Kenya may now follow other African countries such as Rwanda and Eritrea in abolishing drinks sold in plastic bottles, as well as imported ones.
by redazione
The decision was announced yesterday by the President of the Republic of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta and...
by redazione
After the complete ban on polyethylene bags, Kenya's Ministry of the Environment is seriously considering banning plastic bottles throughout the country to protect the environment.
"It's a very long process - confirmed the combative minister Judy Wakhungu
Not just plastics and by-products, Kilifi County has asked the highest government environmental authority, NEMA, to intervene to...
by redazione
Kenya, after prohibiting the manufacture, import and use of polyethylene bags since August 28th, the Government is also considering banning plastic bottles.
The announcement was made by...
by Leni Frau
For the past two years, Kenya has had a law passed in parliament that is supposed to punish those who...
by redazione
The policy of recycling and disposing of plastics implemented by Rwanda, Kenya and now also Tanzania is also influencing the ...
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There is no Covid-19 emergency that holds (luckily), the battle for the protection of the...
by Freddie del Curatolo
The United States is asking Kenya to be "softer" in its struggle to protect the environment by ...
by redazione
Plastic bag banning, the Kenya Ministry of the Environment is serious about it.
After announcing the total ban on plastic bags for August 28, he has now published fines and penalties for those who do not respect the law.
by Leni Frau
Kill two birds with one stone.
There will certainly be a similar saying in kiswahili to say that at times not only can they solve the problems, but maybe they solve two at the same time, with a common action.
by Leni Frau
Almost two and a half tons of waste collected in half a day on Malindi beach, from the Ocean Beach Resort to...
by redazione
A house of 70 square meters built with 10,000 bottles and a little 'concrete in Malindi. The project, borrowed from similar ideas realized in Nigeria and Bolivia, is Italian opera Franceschi Oliviero The Bottle House in Malindi is located in...