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Tourism CS Balala will meet stakeholders in Malindi

Open meeting today at 5 pm at Ocean Beach Resort

10-11-2016 by redazione

The Honorable Najib Balala, Minister of Tourism of Kenya, will be in Malindi today, Friday, November 11, to meet with local and foreign businessmen and discuss the revival of the sector in Kilifi County.
The meeting will take place at 17 in the Conference Room at Ocean Beach Resort.
Balala will be accompanied by Chief Cabinet Widad Sherman, Roger Jones from the manager who was in charge of transforming the image of tourism in Kenya, and other advisors of the ministry.
The Minister of Tourism will present the latest news about projects involving international airport, roads and landscaping of the resorts, and will listen to the proposals and questions of local entrepreneurs. Particularly, regarding the stopover malindino, there are new developments to speed up process of lengthening the runway, to be able to take off and land in the near future Boeing 737 coming from Nairobi and major African capitals, but also the flights from Europe to make refueling Luxor before arriving in Kenya, such as the charter of Neos.
The meeting is open to those who have a tourist activity in Kilifi County.
"Entrepreneurs are recommended to prepare sensible questions, relevant and put aside personal interests to those of the resorts - says the organizer of the meeting Roberto Marini - to present a very clear picture of what are the priorities for relaunching the goals the Kenyan coast. Airport, roads, cleaning, street furniture, such as beach boys question they are already on the agenda and will be good to compare notes on when and how the Minister and his staff. "

TAGS: Balala MalindiImprenditori MalindiMalindi StakeholdersTurismo MalindiTurismo Watamu

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