26-07-2022 by redazione
The Italian Embassy in Kenya has informed residents abroad of their options to vote in Italy or from Kenya for the upcoming national elections, set for 25 September 2022.
We reproduce the indications below.
By Presidential Decree No. 96 of 21 July 2022, the President of the Republic dissolved the Houses of Parliament. By Presidential Decree No. 97 of the same day, the convocation of meetings for the elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic was set for 25 September 2022. Citizens living abroad will vote for the candidates of the Foreign Constituency.
According to Law no. 459 of 27 December 2001, Italian citizens residing abroad registered on the electoral lists of the Overseas Constituency vote by post, receiving the ballot envelope at their address of residence. To this end, it is therefore recommended that you check and regularise your personal details and address with your consulate, preferably using the online portal of consular services Fast It.
As an alternative to voting by post, citizens registered with AIRE may CHOOSE TO VOTE IN ITALY AT THEIR OWN MUNICIPALITY, by communicating their choice (OPTION) in writing to the Consulate NO LATER THAN 31 JULY 2022 (the 10th day after polling day). This communication may be written on plain paper and - to be valid - must contain the voter's name, surname, date, place of birth, place of residence and signature, and must be accompanied by a copy of an identity document of the declarant. For this communication, you may also use the appropriate form that can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation ( or that of your reference consular office.
Voters who choose to vote in Italy in the upcoming political elections will receive from their respective Italian municipalities the notice-card to vote - at polling stations in Italy - for candidates in the national constituencies and not for those in the Overseas Constituency.
The choice (option) to vote in Italy is only valid for one polling station.
It is in any case reiterated that the option MUST BE RECEIVED at the Consular Office NO LATER THAN TEN DAYS AFTER THE VOTING INITIATION. As required by the regulations in force, it will be the voters' responsibility to verify that the notice of option sent by post has been received in due time by their consular office.
The choice to vote in Italy can be subsequently REVOKED by means of a written communication to be sent or delivered to the consular office in the same manner and within the same time frame as for exercising the option.
If one chooses to return to Italy to vote, the law does NOT provide for any kind of reimbursement for travel expenses incurred, but only for reduced rates within Italian territory. Only voters residing in countries where the conditions for voting by correspondence are not met (Law 459/2001, art. 20, par. 1-bis) are entitled to reimbursement of 75 per cent of the cost of their travel ticket, in economy class.
The Consular Office is available for any further clarification.
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