10-02-2022 by Freddie del Curatolo
The end of the pandemic restrictions in Kenya and the return to normality, made up also of Sunday walks and aggregation (soon we hope also of shows and other events) leads us to show you one of the urban requalification projects on the Kenyan coast that were inaugurated shortly before the closures and that today appear in all their essence. That doesn't mean "splendor" but if respected and maintained can be an example of how without doing who knows what, the maritime destinations of Kenya would take on more dignity and consequently attractiveness.
We are at Mama Ngina Waterfront, the waterfront of Mombasa, now easily accessible, with a large parking lot, for a walk or a break in front of the Indian Ocean in safety and tranquility.
In our video service the story and images of what is today the waterfront of Kenya's second city. (VIDEO IN ITALIAN)
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