10-10-2017 by redazione
As is known and as already written by Malindikenya. net who owns a house in a tourist resort in Kenya will have to pay a special license, the cost of kshs. 27,000 shillings per year.
The final and final deadline for compliance has been set by the Tourism Regulatory Authority for December 31 of this year.
Probably (but it is not written and therefore unsafe) there will be a month's extension to give the possibility to the many homeowners to pay the installment for 2018 also in January, but what is certain is that from February 1 will trigger the fines.
On the other hand, for those who do not come to Kenya within this period, it will be possible to delegate a third person to pay for the so-called "license".
However, it will be essential to use the form that can be downloaded from our website and that we attach in PDF format below, print it, sign it and send it back together with the proxy in English to those who will act as an intermediary for the payment.
A photocopy of the passport and a copy of the complete document of the deed of the house must also be attached.
Payment must be made at a branch of Kenya Commercial Bank, then you will need to bring the receipt of the same, and you will receive the license.
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