11-04-2022 by redazione
New year, historic beach party in Malindi that continues to attract tourists and residents and to entertain.
Rosada Beach. offers the first of two weekly evenings of dinner, drinks and music. Also for Monday, April 5th, the local Silversand proposes another evening with a double party: from 19 in fact it starts with the classic and comprehensive buffet that returns after the à là carte dinners of the parties, with the special price of Kes. 1500 (drinks not included). At the console there is deejay Max until late at night and wonderful atmosphere on the Indian Ocean shore.
It's the classic beach party of Malindi, which for 17 years has involved tourists, residents and Kenyans in a "melting pot" that confirms the vocation to integration of the tourist destination, under the international flag of fun.
For those who arrive for the buffet, the entrance to the disco is free, while from 22.30 for men the ticket is Kes. 500 and for women is free.
As for all beach parties since 2022, from 2 am the "movida" moves to the discopub Fermento in Lamu Road, thanks to the agreement between the two historic nightlife venues in Malindi. For those arriving from Rosada, the entrance is free. Rosada Beach is open for dinner not only in coincidence with the parties, but every night with an a la carte menu.
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