06-09-2017 by Freddie del Curatolo
One of the simplest and safest remedies for malaria today is to treat yourself with artemisin-based medicines and use the combination of two medications that crush the parasite once it has arisen.
At this point, at the onset of high fever, not only for those who have been in countries where malaria is endemic, but also for those at risk, such as Italy, it is sufficient to slide to make sure that it is not a simple flu or other infection, and then start the treatment.
In Kenya, artemisin was introduced more than ten years ago and has produced excellent results, but above all it instilled a new perception in doctors and patients that prophylaxis is not a cure, and is an outdated method, as well as harmful and unsafe.
Just as the Kenyans could never consider it (because with the risk of continuous malaria, it would not be possible to implement such a prevention continuously, if anything the vaccine for children and elderly people is expected) now in Italy, for the exact opposite reason, one should think about it.
Malaria, as in the recent case of the unfortunate child of Trento, can be contracted suddenly for other causes, i. e. when a non-anopheles mosquito becomes the vector of the disease from another infected person, or when the anopheles are imported and resist (just the increase in summer temperatures and humidity).
In Kenya, certain things are known and every doctor is prepared, the kit combined to easily treat malaria, which is not a disease that can cause fear if taken in time (exactly as inflammation, pneumonia etc...).
The combined malaria kit - explains Dr. Mauro Saio, one of the leading experts in diseases once defined as "tropical", who has been living and working for over thirty years in Kenya - "is practical, safe and cost-effective. Prophylaxis is now useless and harmful.
It remains to be understood if we can understand whether the ancient logic of "preventive care", so outdated and provincial, which does not take into account the globalized world, migration, climate change and the distances that are now zero between continents, will be set aside by an Italian Ministry of Health, just like the rest of the government system and the pharmaceutical multinationals that continue to march over us, insensitive to the problems they can cause to people.
The problem, of course, does not only affect the Belpaese, but almost all European countries. The slowness of the World Health Organization, which by the end of 2015 had virtually given the green light to the drug produced by Novartis worldwide, goes hand in hand with vaccine testing.
The fact is that for the moment those who live in Italy must either bring him from African countries or have to go and recover him in Switzerland, and what is worse is that Italian doctors almost ignore his existence, continuing to suggest prophylaxis.
The Third World (which in some cases is no longer so much "third"), accustomed to living with these logics, has developed antibodies first and in this case can give a lesson to the old (and somewhat rebounded) Continent.
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