26-04-2020 by redazione
We have selected ten sentences that express a feeling dedicated to Africa, understood more as a spiritual and moral, historical and social entity than as a geographical reality. The selected words are all taken from published books, novels, biographies or magazine articles.
What is your favorite phrase, the one in which you most recognize yourself?
Africa is too big a continent to describe.
It is a real ocean, a planet apart, a heterogeneous and very rich cosmos.
It is only to simplify, for the sake of convenience, that we call it Africa.
In reality, apart from its geographical name, Africa does not exist.
(Ryszard Kapuscinsky)
Now I know a song about Africa, a song about the giraffe and the new moon lying on its back, about the plow in the fields and the sweaty faces of the men picking up coffee. But does Africa know a song about me?
(Karen Blixen)
I would have gone back to Africa, but not to earn a living, so all I needed was a couple of pencils and a few hundred sheets of paper from the cheapest. But I would go back there, where I liked to live, really live, not just spend the days.
(Ernest Hemingway)
It is known that Africa often offers a second life.
As long as you agree to take it in installments, paying the price day by day, in a place where every sunset gives a little piece of eternity and every new dawn erases what has been.
(Freddie del Curatolo)
I realized that if you really want to live in Africa, you have to be able to see it and tell yourself:
"it's for love that you take this road, get it through your head, you'll end up here."
(Ryan Malan)
Africa is mystical, wild, suffocating hell,
is the photographer's paradise, the hunter's Valhalla, the aventuriero's Utopia.
It's what you want, and it lends itself to all interpretations.
It is the last vestige of a dead world or the cradle of a shiny new one.
For most people, like me, it's simply my home.
(Beryl Markham)
Africa already touched my soul during the flight: up there it seemed an ancient bed of humanity. And at 4000 meters above sea level, sitting on the clouds, it seemed to me like a seed carried by the wind.
(Saul Bellow)
And while the ancient, proud, noble African landscape around us died,
I was increasingly aware of the privilege of having known it, the duty to preserve it and my responsibility to the land whose protection I had inherited.
(Kuki Gallman)
Africa is a thought, an emotion, almost a prayer: its infinite silences; its sunsets; its sky that seems much closer than ours, because you can see more, because its stars and its moon are clearer, sharper, cleaner: they shine more.
(Claudia Cardinale)
I have the feeling that the boundless landscapes and horizons of Africa, together with the events that took place on this continent centuries ago, help me to fully express the love and enthusiasm I feel for life and adventure.
(Wilbur Smith)
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