08-02-2017 by Freddie del Curatolo
The system is elementary.
The state-controlled company that pours water to the County of Kilifi, through the plant on the Galana river that takes the endless (thankfully) resources groundwater and river sources, pocketing the bills of all private consumers, businesses, hotels and many coastal activities, most of which related to tourism, and with those bills pays the costs of maintenance, of its workers and mainly plant, turbine and its filters that allow water to get anywhere, moderately purified.
The system is elementary, but for some reason in this angle (Third? Second and a half?) World, the practical application is almost impossible.
So almost every month the Kenyan coast is to deal with the closing of the taps, determined by the parastatal that bestows power.
Yeah, because turbines and Baricho plant filters, on the Galana River, run on electricity and if you do not pay your bill when it expires, or you pretend to pay only part of imagining a total empathy, a sympathetic complicity between parastatals, the system is switched off and with it the possibility to combine the water in the aqueducts.
This happens with frightening regularity least since Kenya was introduced devolution. That is when the Malindi Water and Severage Company (MAWASCO) from paracomunale, has become pararegionale, staying pretty paragnost (in the sense that it is able to assess the water under the bridge, one that makes you withdraw money bill, but unless you read the near future, what you should say in your turn to pay the flannel to the Power & Lightning Company).
And every time they are three, four, five days without water supply.
We're not talking about the lack of beer (which already would create some failure in the area ...) or Coke, but the most important ever.
Lack of water not only brings inconvenience to those who work, those who live in concrete houses and maybe have the luck to have a 5,000-liter tank that allows him to overcome the moment of impasse, but kneels thousands of Kenyans living in precarious conditions in their huts, and cook with it on us and wash.
That water if you drink it, and perhaps for this reason when it returns, after days of real problems, they are willing to drink even the lies are told from above him.
The lack of water brings diseases in the suburbs where there are no sewage systems, creates problems in goats and cattle farms that make up the first livelihood for families.
In short, five days a month without water are a mess.
Yet, it would seem impossible, it is not anyone's fault.
Or rather, it is the fault of the institutions, definitely.
But it is not clear what.
Let alone now that we are in election campaign.
Vice President William Ruto, reaching Kaloleni, in the heart of the County of Kilifi administered by the opposition, complained to the monthly water shortage.
"Some things can not happen - he said - the government annually allocates funds for the aqueduct system. What does the Government of Kilifi? "
The replica of the Governor Amason Kingi was immediate: "The Coast Water Board Service is a government parastatal - explains - it is they who should pay the bills."
The problem, however, more than the state-controlled, are paragnosts who do not pay the upstream monthly bills, the delinquent of the Coast Water Service Board, among which there would be the same institutions.
In the West it says that "the cat chasing its tail."
In Kenya we do not know which African animal has a habit of biting his tail, but one thing is certain: the tail biting is never his.
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