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Advice to the italians coming to Kenya with self-certifications

Succed to come as tourists doesn't mean to be safe from Covid-19

21-12-2020 by Freddie del Curatolo

The 'gimmick' of self-certification of temporary change of residence is working.
This unwritten but accepted rule has driven many Italians literally to flee their country, where the rules change every day and which does not promise great concessions for Christmas.
The cages have been opened and indeed it seems that no one, among the institutions, has any interest in holding back those who wanted to jump ship before it sank.
But they will be able to leave in the next few days, with a few extra passes to get to the airport. After all, a change of international domicile is not like moving from one municipality to another or from one region to another, is it?
Self-certified with new addresses, but more or less with the same ideas (few but fixed, as the Poet said) as always.
But also the warnings of those who managed to come to Kenya even if they are not residents are still the same we had launched a few weeks ago: even if the situation here is not tragic, if Kenyans do not die like in Europe (the average age counts, remember) it does not mean that there is no Covid-19 and that you cannot be the chosen ones, especially because you come from another climate and another stress.
So rejoice in the fact that you are in Kenya in the middle of summer, but respect the good customs of containment of contagion, especially since here they are also liable to heavy fines and inconveniences (of language, habits, manners) with the police.
The vast majority of Kenyans are asymptomatic, but whenever random swabs have been taken, at least 40% have tested positive.
Remember also that public healthcare does not have much chance to treat you and private healthcare is very expensive. A day in intensive care with oxygen support can cost up to 500 euros.
In addition, there are only a few clinics that have an agreement with insurance companies, which may mean that there is no room in the Covid-19 wards.
So, take the plane, do your nice semi-serious self-certification, but don't take anything else lightly.
We noticed in Malindi (my adopted town, you know, but also the classic destination of the lightweight Italian...) some newly arrived compatriots who were so happy to see that the local population hardly respects the Covid-19 rules and just as calmly explains that there has never been a case here, that it is all an invention of the Government to get funds from the World Health Organisation and so on.
Two headmasters of as many schools in Malindi and Kilifi, a beach boy in Watamu, two county policemen, a nurse, the sister and son-in-law of a doctor in Malindi didn't think so, but they couldn't explain to the others what happens when you catch the virus in a severe form. Because now they are gone.
None of them had previous illnesses.
You will be able to enjoy your holidays, the sea, the savannah, the beaches, the villages and their humanity, even while staying safe and making the locals understand that your attitude is a form of respect and that if on the other side there is not the same approach, that there is at least distance.
And happy holidays, self-certified Italians!


TAGS: autocertificazione kenyaturisti kenyaitaliani kenyanatale kenya

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