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Here's why Kenya elections were nullified

Today the entire sentence was read by the Supreme Court

20-09-2017 by redazione

Today, exactly twenty days after its pronouncement, the Supreme Court of Kenya has read the entire reason for the cancellation of the elections on 8 August 2017. 
On 1 September, announcing to the country and the whole world that Uhuru Kenyatta's victory had been invalidated, Chief Judge David Maraga had stated that the Court had said so, but it still needed time to analyze point by point the petition of the opposition and the defense of the Electoral Commission and the government party.
Today, we have put an end to a process that we hope will have its democratic end by the end of October, with the new electoral round.
It is impossible to summarize totally a river of words from three of the four togati (against two opposed, which in turn have explained their motivations), but summing up it can be said that the petition of Raila Odinga and her alliance was only partially accepted.
Above all, there is no evidence that Kenyatta is not involved in the electoral process under any circumstances, with a view to changing the results.
The accusations of the Opposition have therefore fallen, which the current president considered as the secret creator of fraud and corruption of public officials.
None of this, the elections were invalidated due to the failure of the IEBC Electoral Commission.
According to the ruling, the ESCB would be guilty of having transmitted the final results without physically holding all 34A forms (i. e. those of the individual electoral sections), in addition to the fact that in 56 34B forms (i. e. those which group together the 34A forms of each constituency of the country) out of 290, i. e. just over one sixth of the total, would not have been certified and could therefore have been counterfeit. Finally, the Supreme Court found that the reluctance of IEBC Director Chebukati to provide the data of the telematics server and the coordinates was a sign of guilt in order to disprove the Opposition thesis that there had been hackerage in the system. On the other hand, however, the Court has not been able to rule on the evidence that there has been any alteration of the results, let alone that this alleged alteration has favoured, and in what way, President Kenyatta.
Finally, in ordering the re-run of the elections, Mr Maraga requested that the Electoral Commission set up an alternative system to the electronic transmission of forms, in order to remedy other similar errors and shortcomings.
In a nutshell: false and unjust elections under the terms of the Constitution and the exercise of independence and freedom by Kenyatta's Justice, but the fraud, fraud and connivance of Kenyatta have not been proven in all of this.
We now expect the political reactions of the two sides and the formalisation of the date of the new elections, which were initially scheduled for 17 October but could be postponed to 26 October. 

TAGS: Giustizia KenyaElezioni KenyaSentenza KenyaBrogli KenyaElettorale Kenya

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