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Kenya: 4 days countdown to what?

Kenyatta says elections, Odinga says nothing. Business trembling, tourism resists

23-10-2017 by Freddie del Curatolo

The best news, four days after the arrival of the best news from Kenya's tourism industry.
The sector is also keeping and possible riots in the capital, as a result of the decisions of October 26th or the following daily newspapers, do not frighten those who have already planned their holidays from December onwards, but also those who are coming in November.
Of course, Kenya is not just tourism, although for the coast, for example, it is one of the main sources of income and livelihoods for the local population.
In fact, the sector that is suffering most from this prolonged political crisis is the economy.
Banks and investment funds are beginning to feel the grip of a stalemate that lasts too long, and local companies are struggling to withstand the shock of a drop in work and productivity.
The dramatic issue is represented by certain categories of workers who have been in stand-by for months and, in some cases, extreme strikes (nurses, university professors) are creating many problems.
Public health is in total disintegration and patients may also see their condition worsening as a result of the absence of staff in hospitals.
We would like to say "in four days everything will be over", but probably it won't be.
Only on Wednesday will Raila Odinga lift the reservation about her official renunciation to take part in the elections, as for now she has only unofficially communicated her, despite the fact that she continues to say that she will not recognise the value of the elections.
On the other hand, President Uhuru Kenyatta hoped that the votes could be held regularly and asked the law enforcement authorities to ensure that nobody would prevent citizens from going to the seats by force or other unlawful means.
According to the Constitution, if only one of the polling stations were to be closed or not even given a preference, the elections would have to be cancelled even before the results were announced.
Still four days of waiting, and then you will know if Kenya will have a new leader, if you will have to return for the umpteenth time to the polls in 90 days, or if there will be some other resounding twist.
The important thing is that Odinga and Kenyatta's pacifist announcements of the last few days are respected and that the two can reach an agreement that frees the country from the absurd rebound between party lawyers and the seats of Justice.

TAGS: Elezioni Kenyapolitica Kenyanairobi notiziekenya notizie

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