26-08-2019 by redazione
After the first two days of the ten-year census process in Kenya, the situation returns to normal: the most striking is the reopening of public places, bars and restaurants, after 5.30 pm. The decision, taken by the Kenyan Ministry of the Interior for the first two days, which coincided with the weekend just ended, certainly irritated and penalized more the managers and owners than the citizens who experienced a diversion. Even in Nairobi several initiatives were taken to organize exclusive parties in private homes and was also born a social network related to the census where to post photos of alternative entertainment on Saturday night waiting to be counted by the officers.
From today everything is quieter even if the census continues until August 31, but mostly if you have not been visited and interviewed, we will make appointments. Tourists have often not been disturbed but, leaving their documents or photocopies in the hotel receptions, they have been counted without interview, as it is also right that it should be.
In any case, the government has transmitted new guidelines for the post-reporting period. Anyone who has not been reached by the census officers, in addition to being able to present themselves in the offices of the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, will also have a telephone number to ask for information and transmit their data: 0800-221-020
The sixth census of Kenyan citizens and residents officially ended last night, Saturday, ...
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A week's sledge in the reopening of public schools in Kenya. The decision has been...
by Ambasciata d'Italia a Nairobi
The Italian Embassy in Nairobi informs that from next August 24th, around 6 p.m., the sixth census...
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Fighting against poaching and the international ivory ban are yielding their fruits: in three years the number of elephants in Kenya has increased almost 15 percent (14.7 for precision).
The announcement was made by the Kenya Wildlife Service, thanks to the...
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by redazione
From the evening of Saturday, August 24, Kenya takes the sixth census of the inhabitants of the...
by Leni Frau
Kenya has launched its first national wildlife census.
It is a process that will take about...
by Leni Frau
The first official data from the wildlife census, which began in February this year thanks to an initiative of the...
After just over two months, the Government of Kenya has published the first statistics relating to the...
by redazione
The portal of Italians in Kenya has decided to showcase the best of Nairobi's restaurant excellences, which...
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by redazione
An extended curfew of two hours does not mean that restaurants can close two or ...
by redazione
There should soon be an official communiqué from the Kenyan government about a partial reopening...
by redazione
After protests by trade associations, the Kenyan government has made a half a step backwards about the...