

Enzo Maolucci and his survival in Kenya

"There's no landscape more various than here"

06-12-2016 by Freddie del Curatolo

From intellectual survival in Turin the hard years, to the sport survival in the bush of Kenya.
The story of Enzo Maolucci, secondary school teacher in the seventies, then singer with assets of one of the most intense album of the Italian rock singer-songwriter ( "Barbarians and Bar" in 1978) and today an anthropologist, not it can bundle in a few lines of an article.
But his passion for Kenya surely deserves a special chapter, in an adventurous and creative life, marked by intelligence, talent and curiosity.
Today Maolucci her seventies, brought as everyone would like, it is the president of the Italian Survival Sportivo Experimental Federation (FISSS), a discipline invented by him in 1986 and promoted at national level, and today is recognized as a sport and as a science and education.
He divides his time between teaching in "Salgari Campus" in Turin, a real training ground of 120 thousand square meters on the Turin hills, the expeditions in remote and primitive areas of Kenya as the Turkana or Saguta Valley, and deserved rest in his house on the beach in Msambweni, in the south coast of Kenya. met him here, including a bathroom in the middle of corals and a meal of fried freshly harvested seaweed with Fulvia wife.
"The" survival "is a multidisciplinary practice addressed to man's survival mode, and the group of people in different ecosystems - explains Maolucci - means in practice to live beyond the possibilities allowed by the circumstances, and can also be interpreted as" science of behavior in danger ", ie study and testing of the solutions adopted in various fields in the past, present and in the future, including those possible in the future. Those who practice survival must be able to adapt, improvise, resolving complexity and achieve the purpose. "
According Maolucci there is no better country for Kenya can be best applied to the dictates of "survival" and organize competitive events related to this discipline.
"With its diverse ecosystems, the natural variations of climate conditions, human and wildlife that can be found within a few hundred kilometers - explains the founder of FISSS - Kenya is the paradise of survivalist. Within a few days you can experience the adaptation to unspoiled places of sea, forest, savannah, mountain and desert, not to mention the comparison with peoples of ancient traditions and deep-rooted. Very few countries in the world can boast such features all together. "
In recent days, the newspaper La Stampa, was published the diary of an expedition composed partly of members of the FISS, who traveled on foot 150 kilometers between desert and savannah of the Rift Valley, with a minimum kit to survive. It is no coincidence that they also chose the "cradle of humanity".
The link with the primordial, as well as the virginity of nature, is one of the main reasons why Maolucci fell in love with Kenya, after touring several African nations.
"But I do not like to spend a few months a year here just for survival - admits the Turin-based anthropologist - is also the tranquility of the Kenyan coast, the peaceful character of its people and the possibility of running into so many Western lovers of nature and of pristine environments. "
In Kenya for example Enzo met countrymen Massimo Vallarin and David Gremmi, that in addition to the Honorary Ranger KWS and malindini residents, are instructors of sport survival for Africa.
"The common love for Kenya unites us - confirms Maolucci - here and teach the art of survival with the method and the trappings of science but with the passion and the involvement of a sport, it is the best of life."
Words of those who once sang that you have to become much more barbaric civil riessere, whose life he took it by the balls as a young man and still, with curbed anger by a good deal of wisdom, knows how to put test shots of enthusiasm, competence and never subdued love of freedom.

TAGS: Enzo MaolucciMaolucci KenyaSurvival Kenya

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