21-11-2024 by Leni Frau
Kenya has decided to get even more serious with the use of plastic bags, completely banning their production for any use and the importation, even by travellers, of any type of bag and for any use. Penalty: heavy fines and in some cases imprisonment.
According to an article in the law, plastic packaging would also be banned, but there could be exemptions, upon specific and prior request.
The new law was signed last 4 November, but has 30 days to come into force, time given to manufacturers and importers to comply. Within this grace period, manufacturers are required to declare existing stocks of plastic bags and outline alternative mechanisms to phase them out.
The call for stricter regulation had come from NEMA, according to which some manufacturers had managed in recent years to circumvent the 2017 ban on plastic bags by adding non-biodegradable chemicals to their products, thus violating environmental laws.
Under the new legislation, individuals or entities found to be producing, selling or using plastic bags in violation of the law face penalties of up to four years in prison, or fines of up to Kes. 2 million.
Kenya's crackdown on plastic bags comes just days before the fifth and final meeting of the UN's Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC), which aims to develop a global plastic treaty.
‘It is time for African leaders to come together and call for a treaty that prioritises the elimination of hazardous chemicals, ensures transparency and incorporates mechanisms for labelling, tracking, monitoring and data sharing,’ said Centre for Environmental Justice and Development (CEJAD) Executive Director Griffins Ochieng.
Globally, plastic production has more than doubled in the last 15 years, with annual output reaching 400 million tonnes. However, less than 10% of this plastic is recycled, leaving large quantities to accumulate in ecosystems.
This pollution damages biodiversity and burdens marine and terrestrial environments. Experts warn that plastic pollution is not only an environmental challenge, but also a crisis affecting climate, health and social justice.
Kenya's decisive action and the upcoming INC5 negotiations are seen as crucial moments in addressing these issues. Environmental advocates hope that these efforts will set a precedent for other nations to take tougher measures and contribute to a comprehensive global response to plastic pollution.
Not just plastics and by-products, Kilifi County has asked the highest government environmental authority, NEMA, to intervene to...
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No police searches or police sanctions in Kenya for plastic bags.
With a statement from Kenya's Tourist Federation, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), the body responsible for the organization and enforcing the plastic ban in force from yesterday, said...
The latest appeal to the Court of Kenyan producers of polyethylene bags and bags was also rejected.
From Monday 28 August, the law will come into force that definitively ban plastic bags in Kenya.
The official press release can be...
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Kenya, after prohibiting the manufacture, import and use of polyethylene bags since August 28th, the Government is also considering banning plastic bottles.
The announcement was made by...
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The Nakumatt supermarket in Malindi, within the Oasis Mall shopping centre in Lamu Road, has been since yesterday the collection point set up by NEMA for plastic bags and any other polyethylene bag or lighter product.
Anyone who has a...
by Leni Frau
The Malindi Green And Blue Movement, coordinated by the Progress Welfare Association of Malindi, has ...
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Two weeks after the entry into force in Kenya of the ban on plastic bags and polyethylene, as already announced by NEMA, controls began in private homes. In Malindi, too, since yesterday,"visits" have been reported by agents of the environmental...
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From September 2017 no more plastic bags in Kenya.
Great news for environmental protection.
The African country continues to grow, has to deal with air pollution not only in Nairobi and Mombasa, but also with the environment, it pertained to...
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The news is that from today, the National Environmental Management Authority NEMA, ) will...
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In a week, Monday 28 August, Kenya should announce the entry into force of the ban on plastic bags.
The country's environmental change was decided six months ago, on February 28, 2017, and should be operational by next Monday.
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Another green breakthrough is expected in Kenya, seven years after the Kenyatta government banned...
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Plastic bag banning, the Kenya Ministry of the Environment is serious about it.
After announcing the total ban on plastic bags for August 28, he has now published fines and penalties for those who do not respect the law.