Friends of Tsavo


Italian wardens save a lion in Tsavo East

Group action to remove a deadly snare

20-08-2016 by Giovanna Grampa

Italians friends of animals to save a lion of Tsavo doors.
An extraordinary adventure happened last Sunday in the border of the Galana Ranch Conservancy with the Tsavo East National Park.
A bloody trap, placed by poachers in order to kill animals of the savannah, and then resell the meat, has intrigued perhaps a week earlier, a young male lion's left in his turn the victim.
The metal strap is closed suddenly around the pelvis, it tightens more penetrating beneath the skin and begins the painful infection that could sentence him to certain death.
But the coordination of the team Honorary Warden of Malindi will save him.
The story is unbelievable because the result of a series of fortunate coincidences. Starting with Simone Trentavizi, owner of Shoroa Camp, sighting a wounded lion and immediately send location and photos to the KWS vet, Dr. Poghom which, fortunately, is located in Tsavo East, a two hour drive from the point of sighting.
The same information is sent to Massimo Vallarin but is in Nairobi but it received the report, with photos, his colleague David Gremmi who, the day before, randomly decides to return to Camp Lualenyi Malindi passing right through the Tsavo East. Meanwhile the lion, accompanied by two lions, one of which is probably the mother, moves doing his tracks.
Must have to be found: the veterinarian mobile unit is going to arrive on the scene.
Meanwhile Gremmi reaches the location of the last sighting and begin to venture into the dense dry vegetation in a desert landscape, parched by the sun, the wounded lion research and two lionesses. Bouncing between rough trails covered with dust and among thorn bushes, it identifies the lions in the shade, perfectly camouflaged in their new hideout in the thick of an impenetrable vegetation.
David remains to guard the new location of the felines until the arrival of the veterinarian. The young lion is asleep then: lies on its side and there remains lying with her big paws marked by typical mottle of puppies and exposed belly that shows all the gravity of the wound.
The lionesses are moved away with shouts and handclaps. Balzano on the legs, curling his lips into a growl of menace and go away furtively in the grass, avoiding the danger of a possible surprise attack.
Now the lion can be moved: raised Weight is brought into a zone open for surgery.
After an hour of surgery, finished with wide stitches and appropriate drug medication, the lucky lion is injected an antidote who awakens from the anesthetic, leaving it dormant for a few hours, with the grace of a sleeping cat, until its total awakening.
It 'a young male and soon heal perfectly, growing strong and healthy, thanks to the timely and coordinated intervention of the Italian Honorary Warden of Malindi, increasingly engaged in animal protection, children of the savanna, where every day can happen something special and special. Congratulations to all, good team work!

TAGS: Leone salvatoAdriano GhirardelloSimone TrentaviziDavide GremmoMassimo VallarinHonorary Warden Kenya

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