28-04-2022 by redazione
On June 12, 2022 the Italians will vote on five popular referendums that particularly concern the field of justice.
The text of the referendum questions can be consulted at the following link:
Also Italian citizens residing in Kenya, registered in the electoral rolls, can exercise their right to vote by mail.
In order to do so, it is necessary to check and regularize their personal status and address through the portal available at the following link:, or at the consular office in Nairobi. On it is possible to visualize one's own data in the consular file and, where necessary, communicate/update one's own contacts (addresses and addresses of residence, telephone number and email, etc.).
As regards citizens residing in Kenya, in case there is the need to change/update the address of the foreign residence, please note that the address field must be filled only with the data of the P.O. Box in the format - P.O. Box and Number (example P.O. Box - 1234) and not the physical address of residence; please also remember to update the relative zip code in the appropriate field (example 00100).
In case of further clarifications, please write to
by redazione
From this year also those who spend most of the year in Kenya but is not a resident member of the Italian Citizens Residing Abroad (AIRE) may vote at the upcoming Constitutional Referendum Italian from his vacation spot, provided that...
by redazione
Conference in Nairobi on Constitutional Referendum organized in collaboration with No Gags for Journalism Studies Center.
They will participate in the constitutional Lorenzo Spadaccini, a professor at the University of Brescia, the economics professor Giovanni La Torre and Senator of...
by Ambasciata d'Italia in Kenya
The Central Referendum Office of the Court of Cassation, with an order filed on January 23, 2020, declared...
by redazione
The Embassy of Italy in Kenya invites compatriots resident in Kenya and registered with AIRE who...
by redazione
The Embassy of Italy in Nairobi has launched a call for applications, expiring on 28 April, for the...
by Ambasciata d'Italia in Kenya
We inform you that, in light of the progressive suspension of all air connections from Kenya to Italy, this Embassy...
by Freddie del Curatolo
Kenya is heading towards a constitutional referendum to change 58 articles of its laws, 10...
by redazione
"'The time is ripe for a constitutional referendum'.
These words resounded...
by redazione
It's official, also the Supreme Court of Kenya has rejected the main requests of the so-called popular...
by redazione
Tomorrow, Saturday, June 4 in the food court of the Village Market shopping center in Gigiri, the expo "Italian...