08-03-2024 by redazione
A communication for the entire Italian community in and around Malindi, regarding those with dependents, both domestic and formal sector employees.
Following the passage of the new National Health System Act, the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF, the Kenyan Mutual Insurance Fund) will become SHIF (Social Health Insurance Fund).
Based on this change, we receive a communiqué from the NHIF's Malindi branch manager, Abukar Osman, asking for the Italians' e-mail address, so that he can provide assistance and information on the new health care systems and rules.
"Warm greetings from the Malindi branch of the NHIF (soon to become Social Health
Insurance Fund [SHIF]) in Malindi.
The NHIF deeply appreciates your contribution as employers for formal sector employees and domestic workers. As you know, a good number of you registered with us when e-mail communication was not widespread.
Today, e-mail communication is the most important communication platform due to its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. We would therefore like to have your e-mail addresses for efficient communication with you whenever necessary.
Please send us your e-mail address to
please remember to quote the NAME OF THE BUSINESS OR HOUSEHOLD and the code
the NHIF code assigned, if possible. Thank you.
Abukar Osman
Branch Manager
NHIF branch in Malindi'
The goodness and pure intent of cooperation of this communiqué has been verified with the Honorary Consulate in Malindi, we therefore request all those who have employees under regular contract to send the email, in order to enter the database of the new SHIF.
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