02-08-2024 by redazione
The Italian Embassy in Nairobi informs that as of 15 July 2024, Italians registered with AIRE in the consular district of Kenya can directly download the tax code attribution certificate through the FAST IT Portal.
If you are unable to download the Tax Code Allocation Certificate:
If you have to apply for your minor children born abroad, it is necessary that
Once confirmation has been obtained from the Commune in Italy of the transcription of the birth certificate and the child's AIRE registration, the parent will be able to access the portal with his/her user name and download the certificate.
If you have to apply for your minor children born in Italy, the birth is automatically transcribed and only AIRE registration is required (point 2).
Allocation requests may be submitted by foreign citizens by e-mail, to, attaching
Please read here: before submitting your application
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Italian residents in Kenya registered with AIRE still have one week left...
by Freddie del Curatolo