22-07-2019 by redazione
The season begins again on the coast and the Olimpia Club of Casuarina in Malindi, which has never closed its doors, presents itself at the starting line renewed and ready to offer its Italian spirit in Africa.
From this week, Olimpia no longer observes the closing day, Monday, and is open as always at lunch and dinner, every day. Fresh products from our country also return weekly, by air: mozzarella, cured meats, suckling pig, clams and mussels and other delicacies, depending on availability and pleasure, proposed in the most classic and simple version, but also cooked according to the imagination and inspiration of the chef.
As always, Olimpia Club is about to become one of the landmarks of the August holidays in Malindi, not only for its countrymen. For information and reservations, Tel. 0725457550
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A wonderful day out in Kilifi, with the possibility of a hike in the creek and lunch at the renovated White...
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After calamarata last Thursday and oyster feast on Saturday evening, the Casuarina Club Olimpia in Malindi tonight proposes the gnocchi evening.
A true Italian specialties homemade by the local chef malindino with the recipe once and seasonings to taste: classic...
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Also with the new year, the Wednesday appointment in Malindi is at Olimpia Beach...
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September news at the OIimpia Club of Casuarina in Malindi.
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The weekend at the Olympia Club in Malindi is particularly lively and dinners with fresh imported Italian...
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The Italian Saturday in Malindi is never an ordinary evening, especially if you decide to...
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Olimpia Club in Casuarina, in addition to the tradition of good Italian and international cuisine, pizza...