16-09-2020 by redazione
After the peak reached at the end of August, in Kenya there has been no "second wave", confirmed yesterday, Tuesday, September 15, the Kenyan Ministry of Health in presenting numbers that have recorded the lowest percentage of the last 4 months between new positives and swabs carried out, even below 3%.
Going towards the hot season, while waiting for the small rains at the end of October, the perception is that the country has overcome the worst period, even if the Ministry, through the voice of Health Director Mercy Mwangangi, calls for continued compliance with rules and restrictions because the virus is not yet defeated and continues, albeit in smaller numbers, to reap victims, especially among people suffering from diabetes in Kenya are not few. Even yesterday, in the face of only 96 new infections, 10 people lost their lives, although there is to record the positive figure of 121 healings. Since the beginning of the month, more and more patients have been discharged, and a large majority of those hospitalized.
"With regard to Covid-19 - explained Mwangangi - our researchers have conducted genetic studies comparing them with international ones and have come to the conclusion that our virus is no different from that of other countries. In Kenya we have many patients, especially diabetics, who can have serious complications and many already (the bill has risen to 634 ndr) have lost their lives. We therefore recommend everyone to continue to respect distances and wear masks".
A warning has also come to politicians throughout the nation who are slowly warming up the engines for future election campaigns in view of the 2022 elections. If they decide to organize meetings and gather people from stages of rallies, be the first to enforce the rules of distance and prevention.
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"Among the various options we have, I am also thinking of closing the country completely again".
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Never before, since the Covid-19 pandemic arrived in Kenya, have there been 10 deaths in just ...
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Percentages of Covid-19 cases compared to tampons always well below 5% in Kenya, even ...
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Yesterday, Saturday 10 October, set a record number of cases reached by Kilifi ...
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The number of people infected with the Covid-19 virus in Kenya continues to rise, with a peak...
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Confirmation ...
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