20-09-2019 by Leni Frau
A "Recycle Education Centre" in one of the most deprived areas of Malindi, Soweto di Muyeye.
This is the intention of the non-profit organisation Mondo Solidale, which has found the collaboration of us at Malindi Green And Blue to create a model school capable not only of recycling plastic, even using it in bricks to build classrooms and buildings, but above all of teaching how to separate waste so that it can be reused and resold to those who will transform it.
"At the base of this initiative, for which we have chosen a small private school whose local owner has shown great passion for the environment - explains the President of Mondo Solidale Rita Leo - there is help to the entire community of Muyeye that will be educated not only to separate waste collection but also to reuse, with the motto that here can become saving "trash is cash". We are also ready to bring a machine from Italy, in collaboration with Edipro of Rome, to press and transform plastic and other materials.
A project that needs experts to leave, for this reason it was essential the visit of the Director of NEMA for the County of Kilifi Samuel Lopokoit, as well as the presence of technical experts from the Environment and Health and the Administrator of the City, Dadu Chome.
"This can be the pilot project for many other schools in Malindi - explained Kate Mwikali, chairman of the Progress Welfare Association of Malindi and soul of the Malindi Green And Blue movement - it is from the children that we must start to instill a mentality based on respect for the environment, demonstrating that the cleanliness of their habitat is not only health, well-being and hospitality tool, but also a possibility of future employment and gain. They will then explain it to the parents, who will be involved in various projects.
by redazione
Plastic recycling, public meeting at the Museum of Malindi.
Wednesday, August 24 to 16, Sam Ngumba Ngaruiya, owner and founder of the company "Regeneration Environmental Services" will hold a public meeting at the Cultural Center of the Malindi Museum "Plastic...
by Freddie del Curatolo
Malindi is increasingly oriented towards education in recycling and separate collection: in Muyeye...
by Malindi Green and Blue
Next Saturday, July 13, will be the fourth monthly day of cleaning and awareness raising on the...
by redazione
Plastic bag banning, the Kenya Ministry of the Environment is serious about it.
After announcing the total ban on plastic bags for August 28, he has now published fines and penalties for those who do not respect the law.
by Leni Frau
For the seventh month in a row, the responsible citizens of Malindi, gathered under the aegis of the ...
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A special day in Malindi to learn about the reality of refugees in Kenya and compare it with those who...
by redazione
After the complete ban on polyethylene bags, Kenya's Ministry of the Environment is seriously considering banning plastic bottles throughout the country to protect the environment.
"It's a very long process - confirmed the combative minister Judy Wakhungu
by Freddie del Curatolo
It had been nine months since the last Malindi Clean Up.
Nine months...
by redazione
From September 2017 no more plastic bags in Kenya.
Great news for environmental protection.
The African country continues to grow, has to deal with air pollution not only in Nairobi and Mombasa, but also with the environment, it pertained to...
by Leni Frau
This Saturday, November 9, will be the ninth time that an increasingly large group of citizens of...
by redazione
On Saturday 19 October, in the public area of the former Sinbad Hotel in Malindi, next to the Casino (where...
by redazione
Thanks to Italy comes good news for Kenya's environment and its enslavement by plastic in...
by Giovanna Grampa