02-09-2015 by Roberto
The decision to take up residence in Mambrui came on the seventh day after my first visit to Africa.
I had been enveloped, enveloped by the smells, the light, the colours.
If you ask me why I made such an irrational and immediate decision, I cannot account for it.
But I felt an almost physical need, which prevented me from leaving these places.
I recognised in Africa, in the smells as in the colours, a second mother of mine, a land from which I came but which I only now recognised as mine. Just as animals recognise their mother, their brothers, their father, by their smells, by their noises, so I found and recognised in Africa something that was in me, atavistically compressed and concealed. I felt I was living in places that were mine, where I recognised myself and where I was comfortable.
A form of inner déjà vu.
I fell ill, as unfortunately happens to many people in Africa, with malaria. And after a long and very heavy hospital stay, saved by a miracle, and with after-effects that I still carry with me, my desire to return to Africa was even stronger. They called me crazy: are you going back there where you almost died?
They did not understand that the illness had been nothing more than a request from my homeland to share it completely; it had been a baptism through which I now feel I identify completely with it.
Sickness in Africa is being reborn to life.
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by redazione
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by Freddie del Curatolo
From next year, and exactly from January 18, 2020 every third Saturday of each month, Mambrui...
by Leni Frau
A really fantastic day in Mambrui, for the first Clean Up in the country north of Malindi.
by redazione
It will be an event open to everyone, cars, motorcycles and quads, experts and...
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In Mambrui everyone knew her as Germana, the "good lady" whom everyone...
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New aid from the town of Treviglio for the Children Centre in Mambrui "Asante Sana" directed by Piera Nails. After the successful harvest of last May, thanks to Freddie concert Curatolo,
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Re-opening of primary and secondary schools across Kenya.
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by Freddie del Curatolo
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