04-08-2021 by redazione
Temperatures are still below seasonal averages but rainfall is on the wane, Kenya's meteorological service predicts for the coast, while the Rift Valley is expected to experience a cloudy and still cold August with occasional showers.
In their August forecast statement, Kenyan experts predicted a slow easing of the cold season, particularly in the capital and eastern Kenya, with maximum temperatures expected to range from 20 to 24 degrees Celsius but could fall to 18 degrees, and minimums as low as 5 degrees.
As is often the case, the wettest area in August will be the Lake Victoria basin and the regions bordering Uganda, but Samburu and Turikana will also benefit from healthy rainfall, something that is not wished on the coastal strip, which is looking for welcome sunshine for tourists at this time.
According to the national weather forecast, from Diani to Lamu the rains should be over, with at most light morning showers, especially during this week and at the end of the month. Between Malindi and Watamu, variability will still reign, with sunny days alternating with sudden cloudiness. As always, it will also depend on the wind, which should slowly diminish, after having blown with impetus in the second half of July.
Instead, forecasts indicate the savannah and lowlands (Machakos, Makueni, Kitui but also Kajado and Taita Taveta) as the driest regions, in addition to the desert areas on the border with Somalia and Ethiopia.
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