19-04-2017 by redazione
The fast technological growth of Kenya can not avoid some downside.
According to the agency published Serianu research in collaboration with the United States University of Kenya and on the basis of a survey of Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), Kenya is one of the nations most defenseless against possible hacker attacks.
According to research, in the past year hackers have lost the coffers of Kenyan institutions and individuals over 170 million euro.
These data arrive on the desks of their own government in the midst of the digital revolution of the institutions, implemented by President Kenyatta as the main deterrent to rampant corruption that has made it the most "dirty country" of the continent.
"In a country where trade is moving towards digital and online market movement reaches even higher levels than those of certain European nations, companies in Kenya are in the midst of paradox, too late and too risky to go back but few guarantees in proceeding with his head, with obvious risks of their business whether it accepts the challenge of the era of the Internet, whether you want to continue in the traditional way "
This is the comment of researchers, on the other hand there are the assurances of the department of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in Nairobi.
"The Government is very active and is already acting in the right direction to be at Passo with other countries under cyberattack - said General Secretary Joe Mucheru - given that the main problem remains the theft of large sums of money by the Taxes KRA (about 40 million euro only in 2016) ".
by redazione
The global hacker attack that has "infected" computers and telematic networks in the past few days, jumping out of the British healthcare system and creating problems with the US National Security Agency, now threatens also Kenya.
The alarm was launched by...
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After Kilifi and Watamu, optical fiber are coming also in Malindi, where they are placing cables for super-fast internet connection for every supplier.
Yesterday morning the workers of "Faiba" companies were at work, digging away from the office of Orange, opposite...
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Did China or did it not spy on the Kenyan government, breaking into the computer systems of...
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It will be the most important Chinese connectivity company to give fast internet through fiber optics to Kenya.
The agreement was initialled by Huawei and the Kenyan Government yesterday in Nairobi.
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After the inconvenience of the blocking of online visas to enter and stay in Kenya, due as we had announced...
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For more than two days now, as they had already warned on the portal, the official (and only...
by Freddie del Curatolo
Chief Justice Martha Koome of the Supreme Court of Kenya read out a few minutes ago...
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Already more than a hundred compatriots have been harmed by fake Safaricom mobile phone...
by Freddie del Curatolo
Kenya tops the world ranking of time spent on social media by its citizens. This was revealed by the ‘Digital...
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Kenya's internet traffic rises exponentially.
According to the global report of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), released this week and announced in Kenya by Kenya Network Information Center (KENIC) Director, Sammy Buruchara, Kenya leads the Black...
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Two or three days without Facebook, Twitter and other social media in Kenya.
This is the solution that the Government, through the Communications Authority, may take from August to the day of the results, presumably on the 10th, to prevent...
by redazione
"There was no intrusion into the data transmission system during the elections in Kenya on 8 August.
By means of a press release addressed to the press agency France Press, taken up by the Kenyan newspapers, the French telematic company...