23-08-2019 by redazione
Not only roads: yesterday in Malindi was inaugurated the building that houses the new Kwa Jiwa "old market" in the center of the town.
A structure whose works had been put in the pipeline more than three years ago and which still had to be finalised.
The Governor of Kilifi County Amason Kingi, before starting the renovation of the roadway of the promenade Malindino, then inaugurated the building that houses over thirty shops of those who until yesterday sold fruit and vegetables in precarious shacks in the mud and in poor hygienic conditions. Given the "African" beauty of the situation, surely now they are all happier to be able to do better, moreover without surcharge of rent passing from the "kibanda" to walls in masonry.
The new market also consists of a large car park and large outdoor spaces, as well as having three floors of which for now has been occupied in full only the first.
"The Malindi project is the first of many others that still need to be implemented - said the Governor - will be built other markets in major towns of the County.
This year, however, Malindi has benefited from an important bonus that will lead to the completion of other infrastructures whose work has already begun, with greater attention to roads and traffic.
by Leni Frau
Video coverage of the fire at the Malindi Fishing Market on Friday, April 22.
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