26-02-2023 by redazione
Attractingwas the first 'artistic residency' in Kenya. This is an opportunity that our Ministry of Foreign Affairs grants to young talents in music and the other arts to settle for a few weeks in a foreign capital and, through the Italian Cultural Institute of reference, get to know the local cultural environment, exchange experiences with counterparts in the same discipline, do internships and meetings, offer their own experience and learn from that of peoples often very different from our own.
In the case of Matteo Di Leonardo, a jazz guitarist not yet 30 years old, the visits to Kenya have already become three and have built a path whereby, as the Teramo musician reveals, 'a little piece of me is Kenyan'. Having completed his artistic residency with numerous live performances in Nairobi and Malindi, we remember with pleasure the one at the Bar Bar in Malindi with the Mijikenda Jazz Band, an interesting example of mixing that we could hardly have imagined. But young people are able to surprise because they are able to immerse themselves in the reality of their times without the snobbery and presumption typical of those who have studied and have a talent for a 'high' musical genre and come face to face with situations at the cultural antipodes. Despite the abysmal differences in his conception of cultured music and jazz technique, Matteo has encountered environments that have enriched him, as he recounts in Freddie del Curatolo's interesting interview for the youtube channel of Italians in Kenya.
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After guitar workshops and internships in the Nairobi slums and at the conservatory, and two applauded...
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The young jazz guitarist Matteo Di Leonardo is back in Kenya for the third time and, thanks to the...
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The Italian Cultural Institute of Nairobi is organising an end-of-year event to commemorate a 2023 full of...
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The jazz guitarist Matteo Di Leonardo returns to Nairobi and performs next Friday, October 4, at...
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An appointment more unique than rare, this evening on the stage of one of the temples of...
by Freddie del Curatolo
Which better vehicle than music to fuel the exchange of cultures, integration and collaboration between...
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The Italian Ambassador to Kenya, Alberto Pieri, will be in Malindi on Saturday 24 August to meet his...
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One of Italy's most important and famous jazz saxophonists will be in Nairobi in the next few days for a...
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A documentary about Italians in Kenya. And 'the idea, supported by the Italian Institute of Culture in Nairobi, the Italian director Giampaolo Montesanto.
Montesanto has recently completed and put into service a similar feature, the Italians in Eritrea and is ready to...
The African tour of the Horn Trio by Italian double bass player Federica Michisanti, promoted by the Italian...
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The Italian Cultural Institute in Nairobi is pleased to invite its compatriots to a jazz concert by the duo...
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"Immersions, a violin a voice and the echo of centuries" is an unprecedented event for the National Museum of Malindi, which marks the confirmation of a process undertaken with the Italian Institute of Culture in Nairobi and the Italian Embassy...