18-04-2024 by redazione
Uganda is touring the coast of Kenya. It sounds strange to say so, in reality it is a real festival of the culture and entertainment of the country that borders Kenya, to make its beauty and peculiarities known, but also the many similarities with its Kenyan 'cousins'.
The Ugandan Consulate in Mombasa, in collaboration with tourism and business associations in the coastal counties, has decided to organise a series of events, which began yesterday, Wednesday 17 April in Diani, and will get into full swing today with a special day at the Ocean Beach Resort in Malindi.
Starting at 5pm, an evening of music, dancing, food and other surprises will be staged to learn more about Uganda and have fun together. Star of the evening will be the well-known Ugandan brilliant actress Ann Kansiime, accompanied by performances by the Ndere Troupe.
A different, fun and interesting opportunity not to be missed for those who want to learn more about East Africa, its countries and culture, and cannot always do so by travelling.
The Uganda Festival will then move on to Vipingo on 19 and 20 April, at the same time as the Kenya-Uganda Golf Tournament at the Vipingo Ridge Golf Club, before ending with a spectacular event on the afternoon of 20 April at Fort Jesus in Mombasa. All within the framework of a collaboration that, thanks also to the efforts of local associations such as PWAM, has in the past already led Ugandan tour operators to promote tourist destinations on the Kenyan coast (Uganda, we recall, has no sea) to their citizens.
Now it is Uganda that rightly promotes its culture and tradition, to make people want to visit.
But in all this interchange there is of course the pleasure of being together and sharing light and pleasant moments. Which is always much needed.
by redazione
Today opens the sixteenth edition of the Lamu Cultural and Traditional Festival.
A historical event that recalls the ancient Swahili customs of the island, which have become one of the artistic and cultural trademarks of the "Arab Venice" of Kenya.
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